Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now
, /about
, or /uses
. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.
The name was coined independently by both Caleb Hearth and Shellsharks. This page was made by Robb Knight.
a page all about you
a page on your website that describes how you use, or don't use, AI
a list of other sites that you read, are a follower of, or recommend
Similar to /podroll, but for blogs, and /postroll
an encapsulation, in list form, of those things that have most shaped you. A sort of annotated bibliography of influences.
a list of your every day carry items
Everyday Carry on Wikipedia
Similar to /uses
or /log
a summary of changes to your website
You should make a /chipotle page so when a friend is picking up Chipotle for you, you can send them a link instead of having to redescribe/retype your Chipotle order
a page that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies
a way for people to contact you
Similar to /hello
a page with instructions for family and friends in case of your demise
a list of the apps you uses for various tasks, usually based on the list from Hemispheric Views 097
May also be covered with /uses
or /subscribe
or /feeds
a page listing your RSS/Atom/JSON feeds and other way to subscribe to your posts
a page that describes how author/creator contributes positively to environment
or /girl
or /bloke
or /gal
or /your-pronoun-here
“I’m an insert interest here guy!”
your hats
a single page listing the ways that you prefer to keep in touch
Similar to /contact
things people want to make, or concepts they are considering
a place for website authors to list out things they’re passionate about and expound on what it is about those things that excites them
or /sale
or /buy
host an indie-web yardsale
Related to /wish
or /bookmarks
a list of links to sites you want link to, share, or bookmark for future reference
Should be marked up with the u-bookmark-of
property if you're implementing microformats.
Note: /links is also commonly used for a list of links to the website owners other sites and online accounts
What are you going to do next
Similar to /someday
a list of things you don't like or don't want to do
a page that tells you what this person is focused on at this point in their life
a timeline of all your profile pictures
a list of podcasts that you recommend
Similar to /blogroll, but for podcasts
a page outlining your strategy for POSSE/cross-posting
a list of interesting or impactful blog posts you've read
Similar to /blogroll and /links
a page for those that want to buy your products so they can know the cost
Similar to /tip, but for products/services.
a list of referral links and discount codes for things you recommend
A bit of website where for the odds-and-ends. Put things here to delete them from other places.
list of pages on a website
See also: XML sitemaps
meta - a list of all your slash pages
things you someday would like to achieve, accomplish, explore, experience, create, learn, understand
Example /someday page
Similar to /next
or /ways
A collection of concise write-ups on small things you've learnt day to day
These are typically developer-focused but they don't have to be. /ways is a similar concept
or /pay
or /coffee
a page so those that enjoy your work can tip you or buy you a coffee
details of the things you use on a daily basis
a page on your website to list and prove your online identities
a place to let others know about your current location
Similar to /now
an opportunity to say what you care about, what direction you’re heading, and how you hope to exist in the world. A minifesto on the purpose of your site, or your work
Sharing your wishlist gives people opportunities to connect with you. From your list, they can infer passions and goals and sometimes even insecurities. They can quickly find common ground with you. They can offer suggestions and support.
a list of things you agree with or will do